Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My first post

So I've been meaning to do this for awhile probably. I discovered this year just how many good things are out there on these blogs and on Twitter, and if I want to keep pushing myself forward as an educator, then I need to expand my collaboration with other teachers beyond the walls of my high school.

My name is Zach. I'm a math teacher in the near northwest suburbs of Chicago, and will be entering my sixth year. I've taught algebra, geometry, and pre-calculus at multiple levels, although my absolute favorite is Algebra 2.

I wish to use this blog to share my successes and gain constructive feedback and ideas for my failures. While teaching can be frustrating, I still innately like it and have a desire to be the best that I can be. I picked the title for my blog:

1) To have a nerdy math title
2) I think many of the problems we need to solve as math educators are very "complex" indeed.

I am looking forward to becoming more involved in the #MTBoS  and continuing to become a better teacher.

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